5 Ways to Gain Maximum Enjoyment from Jazz Guitar Playing

Playing jazz guitar is a fun and rewarding pursuit. But there’s no question, it’s one of the most difficult instruments to play jazz on.  This can certainly increase your frustration level. Sometimes, I just feel like throwing my guitar out the window.  But I always come back to it. Here’s a few tips to help you gain maximum enjoyment from playing jazz guitar:

1. Understand your Motivation

First, it’s always a good idea to think about what motivated you to play the guitar in the first place. Did you get inspired by listening to a popular jazz guitarist? Did a friend turn you on to the instrument? Are you playing to impress the opposite sex? (Don’t laugh, this is actually a reason why some start playing guitar!) Whatever the reason, understanding your motivation can actually keep you motivated from day to day.

I was motivated to learn jazz and blues guitar by listening to one of my favorite guitar players, Norman Brown. When I first heard him play about 10 years ago, I said to myself “I have to learn this instrument!” It was so inspiring to hear someone with such a command of the guitar. Then, I started listening to many other jazz guitarists. Trying to get to that level and making improvements everyday has kept me motivated.

2. Manage your time

It can be really tough to manage your time with jazz guitar . You have to juggle your work, social life, family, etc… Often it’s tough to get any time to play. Of course, if you are serious you’ll just have to make time. Set a specific time of the day and just commit to playing for 20 minutes. I know this doesn’t sound like a lot but if you do this every day, that practice time really adds up. 20 minutes a day is 20 x 365 = 7300 minutes a year or about 122 hours. That’s some serious practice time! So don’t think that it won’t help. Just get started and stick to a simple plan.

3. Get the Right Tools

Let’s face it, you’re going to have to invest not only time and effort but also money to make the most of your guitar playing. You have to buy the right tools and equipment. I remember my first guitar. It cost about $150. I didn’t realize it then but it really sucked as far as quality. Eventually, I realized that I needed a better sound and I was forced to get new equipment. I wasn’t really complaining since I’m really a gadget freak and I like new toys. But you just have to have the right equipment for you. Don’t compromise. Buy the best that you can afford. You’ll definitely be happier and you’ll probably sound better.

4. Be Flexible

Understand that it’s probably going to take you a long time to accomplish your major goals with the guitar. Learning jazz takes a lifetime. You are always going to be learning something. If you’re not learning something, then you’re not going to grow as a musician. This doesn’t mean that it will take a lifetime to become a good player. It just means that there’s always something new to learn and explore. If you’re flexible and constantly explore new ways to expand your guitar knowledge, you’ll accomplish your major goals. Most importantly, understand that learning guitar takes patience and discipline.

5. Check you Attitude

It’s really important to try to maintain a positive attitude and open mind when learning jazz guitar. It can be a frustrating instrument to learn but the rewards are immense. That’s why it’s always a good idea to be around other musicians who are like-minded. That will help propel you and keep you going in the right direction.

Good luck!


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